For the last full day of my vacation I decided to go to the
Biltmore House (I guess technically it's the Biltmore *Estate* but I'm Southern and Estate sounds snooty). I spent a good deal of the day walking and being out of doors so I'm thoroughly tired now. To spare the few brain cells that seem to be firing on all cylinders here are pictures in place of words (because a picture is worth a thousand words, right?):
Just before leaving the bed and breakfast. |
Picking up my tickets. |
View as you're walking up to the house. |
Beer tasting at lunch. |
Just before the carriage ride around the property. |
Rest stop on the carriage ride. Biltmore Estate is in the background. |
After this point I developed camnesia and forgot to take more pictures. Technically I took one photo while on the winery tour (of a clock tower, exciting) and none during the wine tasting (I only tasted 4 wines so no biggy there). I was going to walk around the gardens after the wine tasting but I forgot that the house and the grounds closed at 4:30 (it was 5:30 at this point) so I called it a day and headed for the bed and breakfast.
Now I have officially maxed out the remaining brain cells. Time for shower and bed. Tomorrow I head home!
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