Saturday morning I had one of the most random and awesome things ever happen to me...
I was outside Highland Bakery in Inman Park eating breakfast with my parents, brother, sister-in-law, and cousin.
Not my pic but this is the Highland Bakery. [Source] |
As we were sitting there a guy approached me and asked me about my shirt. I was wearing my Defend the Fatherless shirt I got from the Together for Adoption conference last year.
Definitely not me but this is the shirt. [Source] |
I explained that it was about orphan care and then I told him about
Walking With Orphans.
He told me he had seen me when I came inside to use the bathroom and
had felt like he was being lead to come and talk with me and pray over
me. He then proceeded to bless me with some of the most encouraging
words I've ever heard. My mom and I were both almost in tears. After giving me his words of encouragement, he prayed over me and asked for blessings for my ministry.
know this doesn't sound like much but when I think about how God
orchestrated it all, it blows my mind. I know it was no random
happenstance that we met. I've been praying continually for God to
confirm His calling on my life and this was one of those moments that I
know He was speaking directly to me.
I could not be more thankful for the experience. And, needless to say, it got my day off to a fantastic start!
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