Here are our current prayer requests and praises:
- Pray for all the kids we work with as we enter the holiday season. Some go home with families for the holidays and some will stay at the orphanage. Either situation can be hard for the kids.
- Pray that we will be able to get enough gifts for all the kids at the orphanages. We need over 400 gifts. Our church, AlfaOmega, and our "mother" church, Sfantul Treime, are helping with gifts. Pray that everyone will give generously and, more importantly, from their heart.
- Praise the Lord that we were able to get the vaccine easily here in Romania! We are praying that after the second dose we will not have any major side effects and that we will get the Green Certificate that we need quickly so we can go visit the kids.
- Pray that we will be able to have a Christmas celebration with the kids at the orphanages and not just drop off gifts.
- In addition to the gifts that we will receive from the Romanian churches we need financial support to buy gifts for the boys in the transition program and to cover any gifts that don't get bought for the kids at the orphanage. We pray that you will prayerfully consider donating to Heart to Heart this holiday season.
If you would like to partner with us financially through Heart to Heart International please use the button below.
If you choose to support us financially be sure and indicate in the memo section that you would like the funds to go to Nicu and Melissa Perghel, the Boys Transition Program, or Christmas gifts (if you would like to make a special Christmas contribution). You can check out our
Facebook group to receive updates on the program and how God is using us here in Romania.