- Pick up mom, dad, and aunt from the airport very early.
- Come home, grab breakfast and any last minute items, jump in the car, and leave for SAFF.
- Arrive at SAFF, grab lunch, shop for a few hours.
- Head out to bed and breakfast.
- Stop off at grocery store for a few essentials for lunches and dinners.
- Arrive at B&B and spend rest of day relaxing (possibly grabbing a nap if time allows).
- Wake up at 4:30 and immediately begin researching where to find the cell phone lot (because you have no idea where it is and need to go there in an hour).
- Leave 15 minutes early in order to get gas for car.
- Arrive at airport. Wait. Wait. Wait some more.
- Pick up parents and aunt who are very tired (because they just came in on a flight from out west and their times are all screwed up).
- Drive aunt home.
- Drive parents home.
- Get breakfast, put on make up, obsess over details of caring for high maintenance cat, pack car, and leave.
- Be totally jazzed for your trip for the first hour and half.
- Start to feel a little more tired and run down the closer you get to SAFF.
- Park a half a mile away from the venue (not really but it felt like it), shake off any tiredness, head into show.
- Get "lunch" (chilli cheese fries and a large Dr. Pepper) because blood sugar is kind of low.
- Shop for an hour and half before you start to feel woozy (probably because "lunch" didn't help that blood sugar problem at all).
- Make sure you run into an old friend when you are feeling half drunk and more than a little nauseous.
- Try to carry on conversation with friend and pray that she doesn't think you are totally off your rocker.
- Finish shopping after overspending.
- Remind self that this is supposed to be an indulgence and to stop fretting about it.
- Drive to B & B.
- Get almost to B & B and realize that you need to stop at the grocery store and that one you passed like 5 miles ago was the one.
- Go to "interesting" grocery store (it was reminiscent of Aldi...only more country).
- On way back to B & B get call from host. She is in town and won't be there when you arrive but she walks you through how to find your room.
- Arrive at B & B.
- Come in to find family dog on couch (you knew he'd be around somewhere).
- Dog begins to bark.
- Since you have been assured that dog is harmless begin to approach dog, speaking softly.
- Dog continues to bark.
- Hold out hand so dog can smell it and you can become friends.
- Dog bares teeth and looks like he might lunge.
- Withdraw hand extra quick, yelp, and have small heart attack simultaneously.
- Retreat to room.
- Unpack car giving dog the side eye the whole time.
- Try to lay down for a nap.
- Other guest begins playing various instruments downstairs, directly under your room: piano, something that sounds like an auto harp, and a violin. None of these are executed with any finesse.
- Give up on nap.
- Have panic attack because you have been around people all day, you took some medicine that increases your chance of being anxious, you got snarled at by a dog, you have a headache, and you are tired as all get out.
- Come down to make dinner.
- Make peace with the dog.
- Eat dinner.
- Go to room and knit.
- Start to feel very homesick and sad for yourself because the day hasn't really turned out all that well.
- Think about going home.
- Text best friend.
I realized I was sitting around in my stinky thinking still (literally) reeking from the day. I needed to literally get clean so I could clear my mental slate. So I gathered up my toiletries, towel, and pajamas and headed to the shower. It totally helped. My head still hurts and I'm still really tired but I can head to bed now looking forward to the next few days of my vacation.
P.S. I am leaving out the part about where I tried to get the AC to work in my room and it was blasting hot air and I thought I was going to roast to death.
P.P.S. My host and her husband did eventually show up...just as I was getting out of the shower.
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