Things can get so busy sometimes that you look around and realize you don't know what day of the week it is or even what the date is (for the record, it is currently Sunday 19 July 2015, but I definitely had to look it up). My days have been so packed lately and they show no sign of slowing up.
This is my real life calendar. |
This past week we wrapped up day camps with the little kids from Voluntari. I have a few pictures but not many because I spent most mornings at Voluntari doing playtime with the kids who were not at camp. I did get lots of pool time with the little ones though. One afternoon it rained so there were some indoor games. Most of the pictures I did manage to take turned out blurry because these kids *never* sit still.
I got to spend a little bit of one afternoon with Darius who refused to follow the rules and play fair. He has so. much. energy. I was able to distract him with a puzzle for a little bit before he moved on to coloring, playing soccer, and trying to jump in the swimming pool.
My friend Kirsteen from Scotland was here serving this week. She was a full time staff member for 5 years and has a great relationship with a lot of the kids. On her last day we went out to Peris so she could say goodbye to everyone there. It was nice just getting to hang out and talk for a little while with some of the kids.
Me and Marian |
I got to spend quite a bit of time talking to my oldest, George, and catching up on his life. |
Even my Ionut was there! |
Group picture with Kirsteen and the kids. |
Yesterday I helped with shopping and went back out to Peris for some soccer. It was super hot and I'm not a very good soccer player but the kids were nice enough to let me practice a bit and get better.
Getting to see sweet Marius. |
Denisa, she is relatively new to the orphanage so I am just getting to know her but she is quite a beautiful and sweet young lady. |
After dinner with the team, we all headed to Old Town Bucharest (Lipscani) for some ice cream at Emelia's. This quickly becoming one of my favorite places in Bucharest; the ice cream is delicious and the scenery is beautiful.
Today I have church and then a pool party/graduation ceremony for the boy who just completed the transition program. This coming week is "Tween Camp" which promises to be busy (but fun).
Prayer Requests/Praises:
- Pray for the upcoming weeks of camps that we have with our teenagers and pre-teens.
- Pray for us as we deal with kids who continually test us to see if we really do care about them.
- Pray for our kids who are away with family during the summer or who have family members promising to come get them soon. That is always a very difficult thing for us to deal with, especially when there are broken promises, difficult transition periods, and hurting hearts.
- Pray for me as I deal with a true Romanian summer without central A.C.!
- Pray for my family and friends back home. As life goes on for all of us there are always difficult moments.
- Continue to pray for my documents that have to be reviewed by the professional licensing board in Georgia. I have not heard back from them yet but pray that I will be able to continue to pursue my license while living and working in Romania.
- Praise God for the sweet moments we have had with the kids this past week.
- Praise God for continuing to grow my relationship with the kids, the team members, and the other staff.
- Praise God for continuing to make this feel like my home.
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