Friday, July 31, 2020

Finally, Some Good News!

After many months of waiting I have some good news to share with everyone...we are finally able to start seeing the kids again! After four long months we were able to have day camps with some of the kids in Roșiori de Vede and to hang out with the kids at Periș (and give them a long awaited Easter egg hunt!).
Day Camps in Roșiori de Vede
At the end of June/beginning of July we were able to take groups of kids out of the orphanage in Roșiori and transport them to the local picnic area in the woods to have VBS style day camps. We sang, learned about the prophet Elijah, talked about how God never leaves us, did crafts, played games, and even had a barbecue!
Visiting the Periș Crew
Around the end of July we were able to finally go out and see the kids at Periș. One of the things they had requested months and months ago was to have an Easter egg hunt. We hadn't done one last year because we thought all the kids were too big and wouldn't want to participate. We were surprised when our teenagers got upset that we weren't having a hunt this year due to the coronavirus. So, the first order of business once we were finally able to see the kids was to have a very belated Easter egg hunt! The kids loved it and found all but 4 of the 200 eggs that we hid!
We have been very blessed to be able to establish a schedule at Periș and the kids are already asking when we are going to start therapy sessions again. They also really missed doing Youth Group in person (online just isn't the same!) so we had a "mini Youth Group" where we sang and read a short devotional. It was really awesome to get to discuss some Biblical concepts with the kids again.
What's Coming Up
As I mentioned above, we have been able to establish a schedule of going out to Periș twice a week. I plan on starting therapy sessions with the kids soon. I also talked with the director at Voluntari and we are going to start visiting those kids as well! Once we establish a schedule there then I would like to start therapy sessions and groups again with the kids.
Nicu and I would like to begin going to Casa Lidia and Mia's Children again on the weekends as we had been doing. We would need to be tested for COVID-19 before we can start visiting the kids again. We're praying about what to do as the tests would cost us $200 and we can't afford that expense at the moment.
Another area of ministry we are praying will open up is the apartments in Roșiori. At the moment only one staff member can go in at a time to work with the kids so my colleague, Wanetta, has been going alone for almost a month now. We're praying that they will soon start allowing more of us to go and work with the kids!
Giving Information
We are so thankful that over the past month we have gained new supporters and that some of our old supporters have decided to up their donations! We are continuing to inch forward towards our goal of bringing Nicu on staff full time and appreciate every dollar that we receive. We would love to have Nicu on staff full time by the end of August so that he can begin working with the kids once school starts in mid-September. Check out our Facebook group to receive updates on how close we are to reaching our goal. If you would like to partner with us financially through Heart to Heart International please use the button below. Be sure and indicate in the memo section that you would like the funds to go to Nicu and Melissa Perghel.
If you would like to donate directly to us please use the link below. This is for my non-profit, Walking With Orphans (the charge will appear as Eastern European and Russian Orphanages Project...this was the original name of Walking With Orphans). 100% of donations made through Walking With Orphans comes directly to us!
Prayer Requests and Praises
  • We, and our families, are in good health.
  • That we were able to start seeing the kids again.
  • We have gained more monthly supporters.

Prayer Requests:
  • That any changes made about wearing masks, the state of alert, etc. would not impact our ability to continue ministry.
  • Nicu will pass his driving test.
  • Guidance about financial decisions (house/apartment, car, etc.).
  • Ministry opportunities.
  • That international travel will return to a more normal state so that Nicu will be able to get his visa without a problem.
  • We will get the rest of the monthly support that we need.
  • Continued health and safety for ourselves, our families, and the kids.

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